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How Does Aspirin Find a Headache? Page 25
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Steward MacBreachan; Alan MacRobert, Sky & Telescope; Judy Maire, National Association of School Nursing Consultants; Ed Marks, The Ice Screamer, Bob Martin, Scottish Tartan Society; Nancy Martin, Vermont Institute of Natural Science; John T. McCabe, Master Brewers of the Americas; Roy McJunkin, California Museum of Photography; Pat McKelvey, Wine Institute; Lisa McKendall, Mattel Toys; Carmen Miller, Helen of Troy Corporation; Patricia Milroy, McDonald’s; Joseph Mitchell, University of Richmond; Randy Morgan, Cincinnati Insectarium; Rose Motzko, Walt Disney; Michelle Mueckenhoff, Dairy Council of Wisconsin.
Jean Naras, American Dairy Association; National Collegiate Athletic Association; Kevin Newsome, Newsome’s Studio of Photography; James Nolan, Fibre Box Association; Human Numan, Z-100.
Richard O’Brien; Barnet Orenstein; Alberta Orr, American Foundation for the Blind; Betsey Owens, Virginia-Carolina Peanut Promotion.
Richard Palin, Loctite Corporation; Tonya Parravano, National Live Stock & Meat Board; Peanut Factory; Joan Peyrebrune, Institute of Transportation Engineers; Bob Phillips, American Racing Pigeon Union; Planters Corporation; Jay Poster, Agronomy News; Mary Potter, Mead Corporation; Bill Powell, Booth Memorial Medical Center; Gary Priest, San Diego Zoo.
Howard Raether; T.E. Reed, American Rabbit Breeders Association; Donna Reed, National Pasta Association; Carl Reichenbach, Dixon Ticonderoga Company; Viva Reinhardt; Revlon, Inc.; John-Paul Richluso, American Association for State and Local History; Robin Roche, San Francisco Zoological Society; John R. Rodenburg, Federated Funeral Directors of America; Janet Rodowca, Fort Howard; Robert R. Rofen, Aquatic Research Institute; Grant Romer, George Eastman House; Officer Romero, Los Angeles Police Department; Mary H. Ross, Virginia Polytechnic Institute; Kate Ruddon, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Tonda Rush, National Newspaper Association; John Rutkauskas, American Society for Geriatric Dentistry.
Walter Sanders, Diners Club International; Richard Santore, Associated Funeral Directors Service International; Leslie Saul, San Francisco Zoological Society; Ray Schmidt; Robert Schmidt, North American Native Fishes Association; Paul Schofield, Discover Credit Corporation; Jim Schreier, Council on America’s Military Past; Don Schwartz, Children’s Hospital; Ira Schwartz, New York State Regents Advisory Committee; Norman Scott, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles; Samuel Selden; Arlene Sheffield, New York State Education Department; Ron Siebel, J.E. Siebel Sons’ Company; John Simmons, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists; Charles Simpson, Texas A&M; Harry Skinner, Traffic Engineering Division, Federal Highway Administration; Philip and Shirley Smith; Bob Smith, Cytec; Bruce V. Snow; Stephen Snyder, Book Manufacturers Institute; Daniel Solomon, E&J Gallo Winery; Jeff Solomon-Hess, Recycling Today; Kent Sorrells, Altadena Certified Dairy; Dennis Stacey; Lynne Strang, Distilled Council of the United States; Robert Strawn, RVDA of North America; Joe Struble, George Eastman House.
Anne Tantum, American Association of Meat Processors; Thad W. Tate, College of William & Mary in Virginia; Farook Taufiq, Prince Company; Karl Torjussen, Westvaco Corporation.
United Airlines; USDA—Agricultural Research Service.
Pamela Van Hine, American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists; Vanner Weldon, Inc.; Richard Van Iderstine, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Matthew J. Vellucci, Distilled Spirits Council of the United States; Ralph E. Venk, Photographic Society of America; Rhoda Virgil-Madison, Detroit Police Department.
Larry Wallace, Monsanto; Roscoe Wallace, Monsanto; Steve Warren, MOR Media; James Weidman, Welch Foods, Inc.; Rebecca Weller, Fuller Brush Company; Vicki Wells, Miles, Inc.; Thomas Werner, New York State Department of Transportation; E.J. Westerman, Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corporation; Ron Whitfield, Marine World Africa USA; Steve Whitmire, Jim Henson Productions; Vann Wilber, American Automobile Manufacturers Association; Richard Wisniewski, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Dori Wofford, Levi Strauss & Company; Wilton Wong, Images Unlimited Photography; Danny Wright; Jim Wright, New York State Department of Transportation.
Bruce and Janice-Carol Yasgur; Karen Yoder, Entomological Society of America.
And to the many sources who, for whatever reason, preferred to remain anonymous, our sincere thanks.
Searchable Terms
Acrylic, virgin
Age of majority, as
Airlines, chime signals on
Aluminum cans, crushability of
Ambulances, snake emblems on
Angel food cake and position while cooling
Animal tamers and kitchen chairs
Architectural pencils, grades of
Art pencils, grades of
Aspirin, headaches on
Audio cassette tape on side of road
bunching of, on highways
cardboard on grills
cockroaches in
headlamp shutoff
oil loss after oil change
position of brights/dimmer switch
windshield wipers, vs. buses
Barbie, hair of, vs. Ken’s
Batteries, nine-volt, shape of
Bathrooms, group visits by females to
Beacons, police car, colors on
Beer and plastic bottles
Bingo, origin of term
direction of takeoff
honking during migration
pigeons, loss of toes in
pigeons and whistling sounds
Black clothing and bohemians
Blind people and dark glasses
Blue-plate special, origin of term
Boiling water during home deliveries
Books, checkered cloth on
Boots on ranchers’ posts
Boxes, Japanese, yellow color of
Bracelets, migration of on body
Brazil nuts in assortments
“French” vs. “Italian,”
staling of
Bridges, covered
Brights/dimmer switch, position of, in automobiles
Brushes, hair, length of handles on
Buses, idling of engines on
Butterflies, sneezing and coughing in
Buttons on men’s vs. women’s shirts
angel food and cooling position
reaction to loud noises
Cameras, black color of
Canadiens, Montreal, uniforms of
Cans, aluminum, crushability of
Carpenters’ pencils, shape of
Cassettes, audio, on side of road
Celery in restaurant salads
Channel 1 on television
approval in supermarkets
returned, in alphabetical order of
Chewing motion in elderly people
Children, starving, and bloated stomachs
Chime signals on airlines
Cockroaches in automobiles
Coffee in restaurants
lettering on U.S. pennies
red paint on
Commonwealths, vs. states
Computers, erased files on
Computer monitors, shape of
Copper bowls and egg whites
Covered bridges
CPR training in schools
Crabs, hermit, “bathroom habits” of
Credit cards and waiter tips
Cursive handwriting vs. printing, teaching of
Curves on highways
Dance studios, floor location of
Dirt, refilling of, in holes
Disc jockeys and lack of song identification
Dollar sign, origins of
Dolls, hair of
knobs vs. handles on
screen, location of handles on
Egg whites and copper bowls
English and left-side driving
Eyeglasses and nerdiness
Eyes, closed, when kissing
Farm plots, circular shape
Fat people and jolliness
Fingernails, yellowing of, and nail polish
Fire trucks, roofs of
Firearms, confiscated, after arrests
Fish and urination
Fish tanks, oxygen in
“Flintstones,” Barney Rubble’s profession on
Pittsburgh Steelers’ helmet emblems
college, redshirting in
tearing down of goalposts
“French” vs. “Italian” bread
Fruitcake, alleged popularity of
burials without shoes
depth of graves
orientation of deceased
Gagging, hairs in mouth and
Geese, honking in, during migration
Glasses, wine, types of
stickiness in the bottle
Super, and Teflon
Goalies, banging of sticks by
Goalposts, football, tearing down of
Goats, kids vs. adult
Goofy, marital status of
Goofy, Jr., origins of
Grape jellies, color of
Graves, depth of
“Green” cards, color of
Grimace, identity of McDonald’s
Hail, measurement of
Hair length and aging
Hairbrushes, length of handles on
Hairs in mouth, gagging and
Half-moon vs. quarter moon
color of, when cooked
checkerboard pattern atop
Hand positions in old photographs
Handles vs. knobs, on doors
Handwriting, teaching of cursive vs. printing
cowboy, dents on
declining popularity of
Headaches and aspirin
Headbands on books
Headlamps, shutoff of automobile
Hearts, shape of, idealized vs. real
Hermit crabs, bathroom habits of
bunching of traffic on
curves on
banging of sticks by goalies
Montreal Canadiens uniforms
recycling of, in looseleaf paper
refilling of dirt
Honking in geese during migration
Horses, vomiting and
“I” before “e,” in spelling
Ice cream, pistachio, color of
Ignitions, automobile, and headlamp shutoff
Ink, newspaper, and recycling
flight patterns of
spiders and web tangling
“Italian” vs. “French” bread
Japanese boxes, yellow color of
Jeans, sand in pockets of new
Jellies, grape, color of
Ken, hair of, vs. Barbie’s
Kids, vs. adult goats
Kilts, Scotsmen and
closed eyes during
leg kicking during
Knobs vs. handles, on doors
Ladybugs, spots on
Lakes vs. ponds
Leg kicking during kissing
Letters, business, format of
Lions, animal trainers and
Lizards and eyes during sleep
Looseleaf paper, recycling of holes in
Grimace, identity of
“over 95 billion served” signs
McDonald’s (cont.)
wrapping techiques on sandwiches
Meat loaf, taste of, in institutions
dancing ability of
feelings of coldness
remote controls and
as sleep-inducer
fat content in lowfat
plastic milk containers
single serving cartons of
skim vs. nonfat
Montreal Canadiens, uniforms of
Moon, quarter-, vs. half-
Muppets, left-handedness of
Musketeers, Three, and lack of muskets
Mustaches, policemen and
Nail polish and fingernail yellowing
National Geographics, saving of
Necklaces, migration of on body
Nerdiness and eyeglasses
New York steak
Newspaper ink and recycling
Nine-volt batteries, shape of
brazil, in assortments
peanuts, and growth in pairs
peanuts in plain M&Ms
Oil, automobile, after oil change
Oxygen in tropical fish tanks
Paint, red, on coins
Paper, recycling of holes in looseleaf
Pasta and foaming, when boiling
Allergies to
growth in pairs
architectural and art, grades of
carpenter’s, shape of
Penmanship, bad, doctors and
Pennies, U.S., lettering on
Pens, disappearance of
color of cameras
hand position of men in old
hands on chins in
Polaroid prints, flapping of
smiling in old photographs
loss of toes
whistling sound in flight
curly tails of
roast, and apples in mouth of
Pistachio ice cream color of
Pittsburgh Steelers, emblems on helmets of
Plastic bottles, beer and
Plots, farm, circular shape of
Polaroid prints, flapping of
Police car beacons, colors on
Policemen, mustaches and
Ponds vs. lakes
Quarter-moons vs. half-moons
Rabbit tests, death of rabbits in
Radio, lack of song identification on
Rain, impending, smell of
Recreation vehicles and wheel covers
Recycling of newspaper ink
Red paint on coins
Redshirting in college football
Remote control, women vs. men and
coffee, vs. home-brewed
vertical rulers near entrances of
Restrooms, group visits by females to
Roaches in automobiles
Rubble, Betty, vocation of
Rulers, vertical, in restaurant entrances
RVs and wheel covers
Salads, restaurant, celery in
Sand in pockets of new jeans
Schools, CPR training in
Scotsmen and kilts
Screen doors, locations of handles on
Shirts, buttons on men’s vs. women’s
of deceased, at funerals
on side of road
Shopping, female proclivity towards
Sidewalks, glitter on
“Slippery When Wet” signs, location of
Smell of impending rain
Smiling in old photographs
Snake emblems on ambulances
Snakes, sneezing of
Sneezing, snakes and
Souffles and reaction to loud noises
Spiders and web tangling
Spitting by men, vs. women
Staling of bread
Starving children and bloated stomachs
States, vs. commonwealths
Steak, New York
Steelers, Pittsburgh, helmet emblems of
Streets, glitter on
Sunburn, delayed reaction in
Super glue and Teflon
Supermarkets, check approval in
Tamers, animal, and kitchen chairs
Television, lack of channel on
Tequila, worms in bottles of
ee Musketeers, musketlessness of
Tongues, sticking out of
Trees, growth of, on slopes
Tropical fish, oxygen in
Trucks, idling of engines of
Twenty-one as age of majority
Video cassette recorders
counters on
power surges and
Virgin acrylic
Waiters’ tips and credit cards
Water, boiling, during home deliveries
Windshield wipers, buses vs. automobile
Wine glasses, types of
dancing ability of
feelings of coldness in
Women (cont.)
group restroom visits of
leg kicking when kissing
remote control and
Worms in tequila bottles
Yellowing of fingernails, nail polish and
fruit on bottom of
liquid atop
We know how to find a headache. Look for an author who has just finished a manuscript and wonders where he will find great material for his next book.